Caricatures Cartoons and Illustrations by Caricaturist in London Oscar Wilde

Caricatures and Cartoons by London Caricaturist

Live Caricatures at Parties

Hire the caricaturist in London to draw the guests at your party or event! Great fun at private parties, corporate events and exhibitions and conferences in London and all over the UK and Europe. My quickfire funny drawings within five minutes (without hurting anyone's feelings!) Contact me now with your requirements!

Caricatures from Photos

Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, company retirement, house moving, company milestones, the list of opportunities for an original cartoon from photos is endless! Draw your on place cards at your wedding!. Amusing portraits of staff on your websites instead of photos! Whether you are based in London or anywhere else in the world, caricatures can be given as prizes for business achievements or to commemorate momentous life events. In each case there is a range of options. Simply contact me with your requirements.

Cartoons for Magazines

Magazines, newspapers and websites and books always look better with witty and attractive drawings to illustrate the articles. I have had illustrations published all round the world; not just in London. Humorous or satirical artwork serves to pinpoint the main points in a piece of writing, text or article. As they say, 'a picture paints a thousand words'.

Cartoon and caricature  illustration for publications and as unique, entertaining gifts and party fun from a Caricaturist in London

Caricaturist London Live at Parties
Who's at your station book by Simon Ellinas Caricaturist

Buy my Book!

So, what did you do in Lockdown?
Illustrator Simon Ellinas combined three of his interests:
caricature, celebrities and London’s transport
network to produce this amusing book.
Want to see your tube station’s celebrity?

Who’s Famous at Your Station, available on Amazon, at Waterstones and at the London Transport Museum! (As of September 2023: a new edition about to be launched, entitled ‘London Station Stars’)

Buy Simon Ellinas book on Amazon

Contact me now with any queries

    Why is ‘Caricature’ such a difficult word to spell?

    It is so often misspelled as one of the following: charicature, charicaturist, characterture, characturist, caracture, caracturist caraciture, caraciturist and many other variations. Thankfully, Google usually shows the results for the correctly spelled search term! Find MY caricatures cartoons and illustrations HERE! Cartoons for Magazines | Caricature Illustration | Caricatures from Photos | Live Caricatures at Parties

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