All about the caricaturist Simon Ellinas
ALWAYS BASED in London, I have been a cartoonist and caricaturist ever since I could hold a pencil. Teachers and fellow-pupils at schools were my first targets, and I would get involved in every school/college magazine going.
Even at Harrow School of Art, northwest of London, where I concentrated on large-scale oil-paintings, I continued to produce cartoon illustrations and caricatures (against my tutors’ advice!) See some of my cartoons for magazines HERE!
Out in the world of work, I learned the skills of magazine and newspaper design in various publishing houses. It was on the London-based Australasian Express newspaper that I started supplying cartoons to illustrate articles.
I didn’t last long in full time employment however and went freelance with both graphic design and cartoons and caricatures by hawking my portfolio around Fleet Stree, Covent Garden and other places around London. I built up a list of clients including the Abbey National (now Santander), Pickfords Travel, Rolls-Royce, Marathon Oil and many more. (Pic above: Caricaturist Simon Ellinas).
Now, I am concentrating on cartoon illustrations for newspapers and magazines and caricatures as gifts and an on-the-spot, live entertainment.
I like trying to play the guitar, swimming, dogs and family time!
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