Cartoon Jokes
Cartoon Jokes
EVERY CARTOONIST usually tries his hand at the difficult art of marrying a joke with a cartoon drawing to build up a collection of cartoon jokes.
Cartoon Jokes are normally single images with an explanatory and, hopefully, hilarious caption underneath. Sometimes known as ‘gags’ or ‘gag cartoons’, many cartoonists earn their living from years of sending in six to eight new joke cartoons every week or so to any magazines, like Private Eye, that make a habit of publishing such items. The sadly defunct Punch magazine used to be the pinnacle of achievement for most cartoonists.
I’ve only had a very part-time involvement with this branch of cartoon illustration and a very long list of rejections from the major outlets of satire (whose numbers are sadly dwindling) in this country.
In the gallery above you can see some of my better efforts at Cartoon Jokes! The first cartoon, about the blue plque commemorating a ventriloquist has actually SOLD at an exhibition put on by the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation at Maison Bertaux Patisserie in Soho, London. Elsewhere, you can see that I made many more attempts at topical satire.
Contact me in the form below if you have any cartoon requirements at all!