The Latest Noose! Topical Cartoon Satire

The Latest Noose! Topical Cartoon Satire

Topical Cartoon Satire in The Noose!Cartoon satire spoof magazine cover

IT’S MANY A caricaturist and cartoonist who has produced topical cartoon satire over the years for satirical magazines. As an irregular contributor to various magazines over the course of my career, the habit of poking fun at figures of authority and sending up ludicrous situations has become second nature.

Ha! (Humorous Arts) Magazine was a topical cartoon satire publication that I produced in the mid-Nineties to both satisfy this drive and to experiment with a gap on the market by producing a hybrid of Punch, Mad Magazine and Private Eye.

Times change and technology moves on with the internet and modern computers making everyone their own publisher. Print competition is fierce with fewer advertisers willing to risk their budgets while low-cost, high exposure social media-driven campaigns seem to offer instant rewards.

But, for this topical cartoonist and caricaturist, the itch to puncture the pomposity of public figures is still there. So, when I have the time and the inspiration, I like to produce this spoof cover devoted to topical cartoon satire to amuse myself as well as, hopefully, at least two or three others. (Certainly, these figures are borne out in Facebook ‘likes’.) And, so, the suddenly announced planned meeting between President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un becomes a prime target. You can see previous ‘editions’ of The Noose HERE.

I’m interested in providing satirical content with both cartoons and writing. If you have a magazine or website where such material is wanted, please contact me on the form below.

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