Caricature of Jenny de Yong

Caricature of Jenny de Yong

Caricature of Jenny de Yong Howard Jacobson's partner

HERE’S A CARICATURE of Jenny de Yong, TV producer of Great Railway Journeys and Seriously Funny: An Argument for Comedy. I felt obliged to draw the partner of the novelist Howard Jacobson after it became clear, through the intelligence of Google Search Console Insights that her name was one of the most searched items that led people to my website!

Search results for Jenny de Yong

This is because, apparently, I had posted a pencil caricature of Howard Jacobson with her name mentioned in the text. In that post I mentioned that “I have been reliably informed by a caricaturing colleague that his wife collects drawings of her husband. So, Jenny de Yong, if you’re reading this, let’s talk!” Since that post way back in 2018, I have heard nothing, so, once again, Jenny de Yong, if, by some miracle you are alerted to this amazing opportunity, do get in touch!
And you can see more of my celebrity caricatures HERE!

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