Digital Caricaturist

Digital Caricaturist

Digital caricaturist using the Apple iPad Pro

THE NOT-SO-NEW digital age has meant that traditional caricaturists can now become DIGITAL caricaturists with the aid of technology such as the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 or the Apple iPad Pro (with Apple Pencil).  While the technology has been around for sometime, especially with successive upgrades to the Wacom Cintiq range, for ultra lightweight portability, the newer tablet advances mean that it is dead easy for the professional caricaturist, working at parties and events, to carry a complete art working kit in a shoulder bag. And, as usual, Apple seems to lead the field in this sort of equipment.

As you can see in the photos above, It is possible to use a wide range of colours and to print out digital caricatures. You can also attach the iPad to a large screen so that the process of caricaturing is visible from a long distance across the exhibition or conference hall.

Normally, as a live caricaturist, I have to carry a heavy bag full of pens, papers and refill ink and it is so easy to forget one vital item. As a digital caricaturist, all I have to carry is the iPad loaded with my favourite drawing app, ProCreate. Within that, I have a complete mobile studio, of pens, brushes, colours, palettes, effects and an almost unlimited range of possible customization. The main worry is battery power, but for any average two to thee hour booking, this is rarely a problem.

The advantage to you the customer is that your guests don’t get given an extra thing to have to remember to take home. Each digital caricature is EMAILED on the spot, which is also a handy way for companies to collect an active contact list to follow up after the event. Each recipient is then completely free to either print out his or her digital caricature and/or to use it as a social media profile pic. Whichever way, they are bound to have a lot of fun with their new digital image.

If you would like to enquire about hiring me as your digital caricaturist, please fill in the form below now!


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